Apex joined forces with NEMECO, a pioneer in providing consumers with all-natural beverages on the go since 1995. NEMECO revolutionised the market with TREETOP, the first 100% fruit juice in a 33cl can, catering to health-conscious consumers' needs. As NEMECO's trusted partner, Apex facilitated the distribution of TREETOP to vending and take away companies, leveraging its extensive network and expertise in global trade. Together, they met strong consumer demand, achieving remarkable sales milestones, including over 25 million units sold in 2010. This partnership exemplifies Apex's commitment to innovation and delivering quality products to consumers worldwide.

Visit Nemeco
Tree Top, is a 100 % high quality fruit juice with 4 delicious flavours
All natural, with no additives
Carton, 33cl cans, 1 litre Carton

Our juices available in 3 formats
33cl Cans
33cl Tetra Pack (Premium Pack)
1 litre Carton

Orange juice flavour

Orange Juice

Variety: Valencia
Origin: Florida, Belize.
Characteristics: Natural, light, sweet, low-acid, and delicious.

Cocktail Fruit Juice

100% fruit. Fruit juices and fruit purees from concentrate. Includes apple, grape, banana, pineapple, orange, mandarin,
passion fruit, apricot, papaya, lime, mango, and guava from only the best sources.

Cocktail Juice flavour

Apple Juice

Variety : Starking, Red Delicious.
Origin : North America, Europe.
Characteristics :
The natural and fresh taste of apple, a beautiful golden colour, a juice that is sweet, light and delicious.

Pineapple Juice

Origin: Costa Rica.
Characteristics: The natural, sweet and tangy taste of pineapple.

Pineapple Juice Flavour
33 cl Cans
33 cl Tetra Pack
1 Litre
Case Dimensions
400*265*118 mm
367*251*155 mm
383*168*251 mm
Units / Case
Cases / Palet